Orlando Sentinel – Jun 10, 1997 – Today’s chats. Here are highlights of today’s forums. For more listings, check your online service or Chat Soup on the Internet at http://www.chatsoup.com
AMERICA ONLINE: For all chats, use keywords AOL Live:
Talk show host Oprah Winfrey on her film project Beloved, 9 p.m.
U.S. soccer star Alexi Lalas on soccer in the United States and abroad, and his musical talents, 9 p.m.
Actor Mykelti Williamson on his role in the new movie Con Air, 10 p.m.
COMPUSERVE: Mutual fund manager Ron Muhlenkamp on how to beat the market when investing, 9 p.m. Go: CSIConference.
Jim Marrs, author of Alien Agenda, which discusses UFO information that he says has been kept hidden from the American public for years, 10 p.m. Go: Reader.
Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz on his book Brainlock: Free Yourself From Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior, 10 p.m. Go: MyFamily.
INTERNET: Indie band Varnaline on its current tour and new album, 7 p.m. at http://www.sonicnet.com/sonicore/chat/
PRODIGY: Thomas Moore, theologian and author ofCare of the Soul, on his new CD, Music for the Soul, 9 p.m. Jump: Chat, then Prodigy Spotlight.
Author Bob Berkowitz on his book His Secret Life: Male Sexual Fantasies, 10 p.m.
MICROSOFT NETWORK: Folklorist Eddie Bullard with his views on alien abductions and the role they play in modern mythology, 9 p.m. Go: Project: watchfire.
Sports Scene
NBA FINALS IN SPANISH: ESPN SportsZone is providing Spanish broadcasts of the NBA Finals between the Chicago Bulls and the Utah Jazz. Basketball fans have a choice of English or Spanish cybercasts of the games, the entire game or parts of a game. The games remain available for 48 hours. Address: http://www.espn.com
CHAMPION BODYBUILDER: Champion bodybuilder Jimmy Mentis of Florida has a new Web site. Visitors to the site can follow his rise within the sport, look at his photo gallery and check out his training regimen and diet. There are also links to other fitness-related sites. Address: http://members.aol.com/ifbb/mentis.html
PSYCHOLOGY OF TENNIS: When not on the courts, tennis players and coaches may want to take a look at John F. Murray’s monthly ”Mental Equipment” column on the Net. Murray aims to help improve your tennis game through improving your mental skills. Some topics covered include conquering anger and developing confidence. Murray is a clinical psychologist and tennis player. Address: http://www.tennisserver.com/mentalequipment
PHOTO: Oprah Winfrey
Memo: Cyberscene is compiled from reports by the Sentinel staff and wire services. Column: CYBERSCENE
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